Posts tagged Bible Studies
Weekly Once-Over (3.5.2015)

Three Christian Misconceptions About Muslims: When the average Westerner hears “Muslim,” a number of images come to mind—mostly negative. But most Muslims would be just as horrified as we are at the assumptions entertained about them. Here are some of the most common misconceptions that Westerners have about Muslims:

Seven Ways We Can Guard And Repair Relationships: One of the most beautiful scenes in the Bible is between brothers who had been long alienated: “Esau ran to meet him and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept” (Genesis 33:4).  God wants that beauty to reappear in every generation, as needed.

The Dangers Of Pet Sins: Pet sins are those sins we believe we have domesticated. We view them as small and insignificant. We don’t fight against them, we feed them, and in some ways they make us feel good. But there is no such things as domesticated sin. All sin, even our “pet sins” are dangerous.

The Worst Honeymoon Ever: On Friday night, as part of a fundraising dinner for our youth group’s mission trip, Shona and I won the “Most Interesting Honeymoon” award. “Interesting” is quite the euphemism; “worst” would be more fitting. Because there can’t be many honeymoons as disastrous as ours was. But having given everybody a bit of a laugh, I thought, it’s time to share this fiasco with the world and hopefully put a few smiles on some faces. Settle down, this may take a while.

Sundown Thinking In The Church: Christian, there is no room for “sundown town” thinking for those who hail the Sun of Righteousness. His dawning never fades to sunset and His light dwells in prismatic splendor in His many-colored servants. Don’t live a monochromatic life. Dream in kingdom color. It’s better—I promise.

Can We Really Be Free From Excessive Fears?: We all desire to be free of this tyrant. But is this possible? Can we really be free from excessive fears? Jesus’s answer is yes.

The Bigger Thing In Bible Study: It is a beautiful thing to do devotional material and to spend time meditating on one or two verses, but if that is all we ever do, we will tend to focus on very small portions of Scripture, and it can feel satisfying in one regard, but it isn’t necessarily building toward the bigger thing.


photo credit: Boardwalk via photopin (license)

Weekly Once-Over (2.19.2015)

Top 3 Missional Community Misconceptions: Multiplying disciples isn’t as simple as getting eight people to know and desire living a missional lifestyle together. Multiplying disciples takes years of faithfully speaking and demonstrating the gospel. It isn’t sexy but it’s beautiful.

Communing With Christ On A Crazy Day: Whatever the circumstances that throw a wrench into your routine, your crazy mornings raise the question, How should you think about, and engage in (if at all), the “spiritual disciplines” — or better yet, “the means of grace” — of Bible meditation and prayer when God’s good, but often inconvenient, sovereignty has you reeling without your routine?

How To Make More Of Your Bible Study: So we must be sure to study the Bible with our minds, as well as with our hearts. As you read the Bible devotionally, seek to complement this with time in which you also build a basic knowledge of Scripture. Here are some suggestions to help you make the most of that time.

When The Nation's Rage: The nations rage—it’s true. But right now, in this exact moment, God is providing for, protecting and saving many in answer to the prayers of His people. The gospel is being proclaimed. The hungry are being fed and the hurting comforted. Women and children are being rescued. The persecuted are crying out to a God of justice who has not—and will not—abandon them. There is every reason to hope in the middle heartache, and there is much to be done.

10 Questions On Dating With Matt Chandler: And even when I think of the young woman who helped shape some of these questions, she has given herself over to serve the Lord, to write and to teach and to disciple and to open up her home to care for other women and to encourage other women to grow in biblical literacy. And I think that that is what Christ has for them — fulfilling, soul-stirring, soul-satisfying, gospel ministry.

Age Of Zeal: Those of us who are younger also need to encourage the older people in our congregations. We need to build relationships with them beyond a handshake on a Sunday morning. We need to include them in areas of service where they can add their wisdom to the mix. We shouldn't always go to the young and eager teacher to lead that class or fill that need. We need to extend the invitation to the older generation as well. 


photo credit: Follow Me via photopin (license)
Weekly Once-Over (09.25.2014)

The Dividing Wall Is Gone: When we fight for deep relationships with those we are tempted to view as racially divided from us, humility results on both sides. We learn to value differences and to recognize how much we have in common as children of the same God. And we cease trying to rebuild walls that have been crushed to dust by the peacemaking work of Christ, by which many are made one.

TV And The Virtuous Idol of Family: On the contrary, when people ask you about your favorite shows, you often spout it out with no shame because, after all, it’s a harmless and heartfelt drama about the people who matter most in our lives, right? And how can we expect non-Christians to act like Christians in a show made by non-Christians?

When Someone Reaches Out, Reach Back: And if no one is reaching toward you, take it upon yourself to reach out first. Be what you want others to be toward you. I guarantee that everyone is looking for the same thing you are: to be loved.

Kids And Missional Communities - What About Bible Studies?: During the Bible or book study meetings, you will probably need to arrange childcare in order to get the most out of that time. As a community, think through your options for caring for the children well during this season. One option is to pool your money together and hire some sitters to watch the kids at one of the group members’ houses. You could also talk to your church about meeting during a time when childcare is available, such as a second service hour, a Wednesday evening gathering, or a Sunday school hour.

Why Teenage Suicide Is More Than A Statistic For Me: When I hear of another child bullied to death, or another depression that ends in despair, I am right back in that flowery funeral home, standing over my best friend’s casket, the smell of flowers that cannot overcome the stench of death. I’m there again looking at his pale face, angry with him, angry with myself, angry at the evil one, and filled with grief. Part of me wants to cry. Part of me wants to scream: This isn’t right. Someone do something! 

Is Marriage "Just A Piece Of Paper": God ordained certain rules regulating marriage in order to protect people. His law was born of love, concern, and compassion for His fallen creatures. The sanctions God imposed on sexual activity outside marriage do not mean that God is a spoilsport or a prude.

The Gospel Of Genesis 13: So there was a time that Jesus was in the midst of the wilderness, and he was hungry and weary and the devil took him by the shoulder and showed him the vast multitudes of glorious cities in the valley below and said to him, “Look, Jesus, there doesn’t need to be conflict between us. There’s plenty for everyone. Look east and west. Look at all the beautiful riches out there just waiting for you. Why don’t you take your pick? You can have it all.”

photo credit: Robb North via photopin cc