Posts tagged Helpful
Weekly Once-Over (5.16.13)

Goal for Weekly Once-Over Weekly Once-Over is our weekly recap of some great blog posts that we have seen this past week that have been helpful and our hope is that they would benefit you in someway. So every Thursday of each week you will see a post that has links to different blog posts. Enjoy!

 Weekly Once-Over (5.16.13)

Pastor J.D. Greear has a great post about How To Navigate Conflict Well. In Ephesians 4:29, Paul mentions two kinds of speech: that which builds up and that which pulls down. This verse and the surrounding passage show us ten ways that we can handle conflict well—10 ways to fight like a Christian...

The Plastic Fruit of Online Living is a great and convicting blog post about living two lives (online and offline). How can our online life look different from our offline life and how do we navigate well when this is true.

Prayerlessness is Selfishness  "The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own." This is a great post on prayerless points to selfishness.

Acts 29 Pastor from Austin Stone (Matt Carter) shows us how to catch a bird. This is funny and crazy at the same time. This is How You Catch a Bird

Are You Too Scared To Lead Thom Rainer has a great post about being too scared to lead. "I don't know any leader who isn't scared.  The question is are you TOO scared and WHY?"

When Dying Is Gain The art of living well comes from knowing that dying is gain.


photo credit: Broo_am (Andy B) via photopin cc