Posts tagged Best
Weekly Once-Over (6.27.13)

Goal for Weekly Once-Over Weekly Once-Over is our weekly recap of some great blog posts that we've seen this past week that have been helpful. Our hope is that they would benefit you in someway. Each Thursday of every week you will see a post that has links to different blog posts. Enjoy!

Weekly Once-Over (6.27.13)

The Gospel Coalition asked three moms of school-age children to share their families' perspectives on education. Jen Wilkin, Jenni Hamm, and Amanda Allen are three friends who attend the same church and raise families in the same geographic area. All three share mutual respect for each other as parents trying to raise children with intentionality, in the fear and admonition of the Lord. In this series, you will see their perspectives on how and why they chose to educate their children through public school, private school, or homeschooling.

When Sin Is Grievous and Grace is Stunning - Tim Keller writes, "If we are going to grow in grace, we must stay aware of being both sinners and also loved children in Christ. We need a high and due sense of our sin before God and a deep and profound sense of our union with and acceptance in Christ. In the end, it's the joy and wonder of the gospel that will change you permanently."

The Most Compelling Reason to Read Your Bible - Often when we're asked about why we should read the Bible, we appeal to personal fulfillment, the exciting stories, the grand drama of redemption within its pages... Certainly all this is good and right and true. But there's a better reason, a more compelling reason for the Christian to read the Bible than any other.

6 Lessons from Everyday Discipleship - "Here are six lessons I’m learning as I lead my family to live in community with other people while making disciples of believers and unbelievers in the every day of life." - Josh McPherson

The Beauty of Church Membership - "Once each quarter I teach a new members class for people interested in joining our church. It's become one of my favorite responsibilities as a pastor. I'm a believer in church membership, no question. But I'll be honest: every time I teach the class I cringe a bit along with my audience at some of the things we discuss." - Matt McCullough

photo credit: Jon Winters via photopin cc