House Rule #6: One Degree Of Change Is Still Change And Worth Celebrating

If we only celebrated big moments of change we’d celebrate next to nothing and we’d miss the millions of ways God is at work in our church. Scripture teaches us change is slow and our spiritual growth develops like a muscle: over time, not overnight (Phil. 2:12-13). This means that minuscule change is majorly significant. You went from reading Scripture once a week to three times a week? Praise God! Your outbursts of anger at your children have decreased from regular to irregular? Look at God answering that prayer! Because real transformation comes from Jesus, we celebrate any and all degrees of change He works in us.

1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 3:13; 10:24-25

Redeemer has taught my family and I “one degree of change is still change and worth celebrating”. There were times in the past where there was fear visiting new churches due to the overwhelming pressure to perform as opposed to just allowing Jesus to work through you. Redeemer has been a place of comfort as well as a place for healing. The one degree of change lived out and displayed is a lot larger than it sounds. For example, seeing my wife smile and willingly want to serve at Redeemer after coming from a place of hurt, makes the one degree visually look like 180 degrees. One degree is a big deal.

— Paul, Member of Redeemer