House Rule #4: Remember What's Right as You Work on What's Wrong

Even as we solve problems in our church, family, marriage, or relationships, we constantly go back to God’s grace in those areas by remembering the evidences of grace while working on areas of growth. This perspective keeps us from being myopic and despondent. The reality is no matter how big of a problem we are facing, there is always an evidence of God’s grace to remember while working toward change. This outlook isn’t naive positivity—this is biblical reality: God’s grace is greater than our sin, so we want our church culture to live under that truth.

As we fight sin and seek to grow in Christian character, we remember that we do so under the banner of “no condemnation” (Rom. 8:1). In this way, starting with what’s right actually helps us grow as we work on what’s wrong. To fight sin and pursue Christian growth while not living under the banner of “no condemnation” is like trying to trying to build a house with nothing but your will power and a hammer. There will be a lot of effort expended, very little progress, and lots of discouragement. On the contrary, remembering what’s right—all that God is for us in Christ—is our comfort, our power, our security, and our strength as we work out our salvation. Starting with what’s right doesn’t just encourage us—it also helps grow, by God’s grace.

Rom. 6:13-14; 8:31-35; 2 Pet. 1:3

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