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Field Guide: Biblical Worldview/Beautiful Witness

Larry Osborne writes, “We live in a world gone haywire. Our moral fabric seems to be decaying at breakneck speed. Things that were once shamefully hidden are now publicly celebrated. The previously unimaginable has become commonplace. In a few short decades our culture’s response to Bible-believing Christians has gone from grudging respect, to a patronizing pat on the head, to a marginalizing indifference, to outright hostility. It’s mind-boggling—and a bit scary.”

A lot of us feel what Osborne is saying.

Every day we face more choices and challenges than we know what to do with. Do we fight the culture wars? Do we flee the culture? Do we keep our heads down and carry on? Do we wring our hands and wait it out? Or do we just give in and give up?

The answers aren’t easy. And almost never simple. But, we aren’t on our own. The book of Daniel can help. In this ancient book God is leading, guiding, and speaking to His exiled church in a culture that looks an awful lot like ours.

Living well in a world gone wrong is hard. Really hard. As Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.”

But, Jesus also said this, “take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Welcome to exile. It’s gonna be ok.