Posts tagged Constitution
Weekly Once-Over (10.16.2014)

Living Sent (For The Relationally Challenged): For the relationally-challenged, any time the topic of sharing the gospel with another human being comes up, anxiety, guilt and countless questions are not far behind. These are all valid questions and concerns, but let me put you at ease. Living sent is all about loving people to Jesus, as best you can.

Don't Expect Unbelievers To Act Like Believers: So often I see Christians acting surprised that their non-Christian friends or family members are acting like non-Christians. John Owen addresses this in his great work Overcoming Sin and Temptation. The book deals with the subject of mortification, of putting sin to death, and Owen dedicates one chapter to explaining why only Christians can behave like Christians.

Seven Things To Pray For Your Children: Here are seven helpful, specific things to pray for your children.

Men: Made For SubmissionAs a Christian man, I am learning to trade autonomy for submission, fighting to reverse my tendency to grasp for the same false freedom Adam craved. I am learning to submit to these grace-granted bonds.

God Alone Chooses The Day You Die, Not You: Life is the most irreplaceable and fundamental condition of the human experience, and I implore Brittany and others considering her example to take a long, hard look at the consequences of a decision that is so fatal, and worst of all, so final.

Behold Your Mother: It seems we need to recover this ethic in church life. I fear that our good desire to reach the next generation becomes an obsession with youth so much so that we often leave behind the aging. I wonder if we’ve imbibed too much of our culture’s pragmatic utilitarianism that discards people when they are no longer at peak usefulness.

Houston, We Have A Constitution: The separation of church and state means that we will render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and we will. But the preaching of the church of God does not belong to Caesar, and we will not hand it over to him. Not now. Not ever.

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