Redeemer Kids is part of the larger family of Redeemer. And we hope that your family joins our family. To help you do this Redeemer Kids wants to partner together to make disciples in our homes that make disciples of the world.
Redeemer Kids has 3 Simple Goals
Be Safe
When kids come to RK, we want them to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe. With this in mind, volunteers have been trained and have gone through an extensive application process, which includes character references. All adult volunteers (or any adult in a classroom) have had a national background check completed.
Have Fun
Kids ages 5 months – 5th grade are invited to join us each Sunday during either service to have fun through a variety of group games, digital bible stories, music, crafts, toys, and meeting new friends. Check in begins 15 minutes before the service starts and check out starts after communion.
Hear the Gospel
Each week kids get the opportunity to hear for the first time or be reminded of the beautiful message of the Gospel - that Jesus was born fully man, lived a perfect life of obedience, took the punishment for our sins by dying on the Cross and gave us His perfect righteousness, defeated Satan, sin and death by rising from the grave three days later and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.
The primary method we use to teach this truth is The Gospel Project curriculum, a 3 year system that walks kids through the Bible and points everything back to Jesus.
We hope to meet your family at Redeemer and in Redeemer Kids this coming Sunday!
Partnering with Parents
Family Life Ministry (birth through 12th grade) exists to partner with parents to make disciples in the home that makes disciples for the world. We believe the Bible teaches that the church and the family are called to work together to help develop our kids to become disciples of Jesus Christ and continue to grow as followers of Him into adulthood. Our aim is to work together with families through ongoing ministry and resourcing to see this vision become a reality.
Here are some practical ways you can help us make the most of your child’s time spent at Redeemer Church:
Pick a consistent service time to help your kids build a relationship with their consistent Small Group leader and other kids their age.
Utilize the resources provided on the RK Home Connection Blog
RK Home Connection: Our new curriculum provides some easy family devotional pieces. Use them while driving kids around in the car, after family dinner, or before bedtime. This is an excellent way for the whole family to have biblical conversations and reinforce what’s being taught on Sunday.
Build relationships with other Redeemer Church parents. If you need a place to meet people, join the Families of Redeemer Group.
Pray for your children each week as they come to church, and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your kids.
Sign up to serve in a ministry with your children. Serving with them helps build relationships and gives you more time with them.
Your First Visit
From babies to fifth graders, our team wants to give your family an amazing experience.
When you arrive, our team will happily help you check your child(ren) into the Redeemer Kids area of our church. You will go to one of the computers to tell us a little about your family and provide information that will help us serve you well. On our check-in form, we’ll ask things like what allergies your child may have, how many children are in your family and get your contact information.
Or, if you want to skip the above process, you can fill out our New Family Pre-Registration Form online to save a few minutes when you check in for the first time.
Once we get your child(ren) checked into Redeemer Kids, you and your child will receive stickers with matching codes. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.
Redeemer Kids Team
Are you looking to serve the kids and families of Redeemer Church? We have many serving opportunities available within our ministry.
Redeemer Kids Sunday Check-In / Way Finding: Welcome and check-in families into Redeemer Kids, as well as, keep our Kids area locked down and secure.
Redeemer Kids Elementary Lead Teacher: Teach the Bible story each week in a large group of elementary schoolers. Curriculum & Training provided.
Redeemer Kids Elementary Support Teacher: Lead elementary small groups which include leading activities, story review, small group activities, and prayer.
Redeemer Kids Nursery: Care for the physical needs of babies and toddlers as well as engage toddlers with a short Bible story.
Redeemer Kids Coach: Serve the classroom teachers by helping with any special needs, doing leadership discipleship, and supporting our classroom teachers.
Redeemer Kids Team Leader: Schedule volunteers, encourage teams, and lead leaders within Redeemer Kids.
Redeemer Kids Substitute / Special Events Teacher: Be available to fill a spot on the Redeemer Kids schedule in the event that the scheduled teacher becomes ill. Also willing to jump into one or more special events that happen outside of Sundays (i.e. Good Friday Service)
Redeemer Kids Special Buddies: Care for the children who have special needs and need extra support to be successful in class.
Redeemer Kids Onboard / Volunteer Recruitment: Ensure all potential new volunteers are trained, vetted and ready to serve in Redeemer Kids
Family Life Administrative Lead: Help to organize the ministry, organize information for all families and help support the ministry.
Parent Partnership: Has a passion to resource parents, and helps to create a lasting partnership with families that helps the children of Redeemer grow in the faith.
Redeemer Kids Assimilation: Serve the first-time visitors of Redeemer Kids by ensuring their experience was welcoming, informative, and that they have a clear next step to connecting to our church.
Redeemer Kids Curriculum / Sunday Prep: Ensures all lessons each week are prepped, printed, and that all supplies are ready for all the RK Volunteers to be successful.
For information about Redeemer Kids email our Redeemer Kids Director, Janel Erchinger-Davis at janel@redeemernw.org.