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who we are

Photo Jan 26, 7 42 49 PM.jpg



GoD Loves us

We Start with the Gospel

The Gospel really is Good News for people like us. God is in the business of rescuing people like us from the bad news of our sin. In other words, the Gospel is the Good News that God saves people who aren't good. And just to clarify, Jesus is the Hero of the Gospel, not us. God does all of this because He loves us. If this is true (and we believe it is) then this really is Good News.


WE love God

We are Worshippers

Because God loves us, we want to say "thank you". When you are a not-so-good person who has been rescued by Jesus, you want to get to know the One who rescued you. We like to think of it as living lives that say “thank you” to Jesus. We love God. We want to love God more. We also know that we, as worshippers, are a "work in progress". And that's just fine.



We are Family

Redeemer is a family of families. We believe the church is not a building that you go to, but a family you are a part of; something bigger than yourself. We get together each Sunday at 9am & 11:00am, and  we hope you will join our family because we believe we experience the Gospel better as a family. This happens at our Sunday gatherings, around dinner tables, in living rooms, at coffee shops and pubs, and just about anywhere else people like to gather. 


we love our city

We are Ambassadors

We love our city! We really do. We love it so much that we want the very best for it, and we believe that is Jesus. We love our city so much that we want the people of our city to meet the God who made them. So, what do we do? We seek the good of our city. We celebrate with our city. And we live ordinary lives in our city, joining God on His mission to reach our city with the good news of the Gospel.



House Rules


It’s O.K. to not be O.K.

Everyone is a work in progress

Start with what’s right, not what’s wrong

Remember what’s right as you work on what’s wrong

Confession takes courage, don’t cringe

One degree of change is still change and worth celebrating

Grace and grit are best friends

Build up, don’t beat up

Good News then good advice

Everybody is a somebody
