RK Home Connection: Story 018: Big People Little Faith

Biggest Storybook Bible (Purchase)

Bible: Numbers 13-14

Podcast: Apple | Spotify

Big Truth: Believing God’s promises makes us brave.

Lesson Memory Verse: The Lord is with us; do not fear. Numbers 14:9

Ask: Why were Joshua and Caleb not afraid to enter the land with the giants?


This week we finished Ephesians 1.

Some ideas for engaging at home:

  • Watch the Bible Project Intro to Ephesians. The kids have already seen it one time. Talk about what they think Ephesians is about in 1-2 sentences.

  • Pick out a verse from Ephesians 1 to memorize together.

  • Listen to all of Ephesians together. (A chapter a day takes about 5-7 minutes.)