On Tuesday, April 27, from 6:30-8 pm, we will be having our follow-up Zoom forum hosted by Claude Atcho. Click HERE for the zoom link. We hope you join us.
We are feeling so much brokenness in our nation right now. Let’s pause to grieve and pause to pray.
Here is a bit of what you can expect on 4/27
A brief overview of the history of race
Approaches to race
Ideas on how our church can better approach the topic of race together
In order to think and talk better about race, we need a better sense of the past (history), categories for how race is thought about in the present (general approaches), and wise thinking on how both our faith and our relationship as the church together helps us think and talk humbly, honestly and Christianly about these issues.
Refresher on the First Forum
If you missed the first forum, or, if you simply want a refresher, feel free to click HERE. The first forum happened on 3/9 and was entitled "How to Think and Talk Better, Together".