Weekly Once-Over (6.6.13)

Goal for Weekly Once-Over Weekly Once-Over is our weekly recap of some great blog posts that we've seen this past week that have been helpful. Our hope is that they would benefit you in someway. Each Thursday of every week you will see a post that has links to different blog posts. Enjoy!

Weekly Once-Over (6.6.13)

Why Church Membership is so Important - David Platt and Mark Dever discuss the importance of church membership and why it is so important in the Christian life.

When Sports Fail Us - Parents: When your children face adversity in sports - and they will! - Here are four lessons from a Christian athlete and trainer to guide you.

Basic Training for Missional Communities (Gospel Communities) - Todd Engstrom of Austin Stone Church in Texas has a great post on basic training for MC (Gospel Communities).

Real Purity - From the Gospel Coalition Blog Hafeez Baoku writes about the joy of seeking purity. He says, "Only by God's grace can imperfect people, who fall short on a daily basis, stand forever pure before a holy and perfect God. And only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit can we proactively fight sin and overcome struggles."

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