History of Redemption: Blog Post 10

They did not keep God’s covenant, but refused to walk according to his law.  They forgot his works and the wonders that he had shown them. - Psalm 78:10-11 It seems to me that there has never been a time in history when we need this word more than we do today.  How easily we forget His works and the wonders He has shown us.  How quickly we forget what He has done for us on the cross.  How rapidly we fall away from the great promises He has made to us.

We live in an age of distractions.  Some we seek, others are thrust upon us.  We are surrounded by media and technology, sometimes used to remind us of His great works, but more often distracting us from His great works.  When I arise in the morning, often my first impulse is to run to my e-mail rather than my bible, as if my e-mail was what had secured my salvation.  At night, rather than spending time alone with God, I run to the TV to watch the news, then feel the need to watch "something light" to distract me from the pain I felt while watching the news.

All of this and so much more distracts me from my Savior, and ultimately leads me to forget His works and the wonders He has shown me.  And this is the one thing in my life that I cannot do without, that I cannot live without, lest I do not keep God's covenant, and refuse to walk according to His law.

This battle is one that is to be fought daily, and God in His mercy has not left us unarmed.  He has left us His word, he has blessed us with Christian community to remind us daily of the gospel, and He has allowed us to worship in a church body where the glorious truths of the history of redemption are preached weekly, and where we are reminded of the gospel and of our identity in Christ.

What doctrines of our faith are you prone to forget?  As for myself, I am prone to forget that God has not only redeemed me, but that He has adopted me, and that He loves me as a son.  I need to remind myself of this daily.  Some of us are prone to forget the gospel, that it is not by anything we have done, but all by what He has done, atoning for our sins, that we stand forgiven.  We need to remind ourselves of this daily.  We need to not only have the gospel preached to us, but we need to preach the gospel to ourselves daily.  Every day.

Lord Jesus, please let me be reminded daily, even hourly, of Your works, and the wonders You have shown us.  Let us, as the body of Christ, never stray from Your covenant promises, and let us never ever forget the good news, that we stand forgiven before our Holy God, because of the great sacrifice you made for us upon the cross.

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.  I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds” (Psalm 77:11-12).