Meet The Deacons: Christian

This week, we're meeting Christian as part of our Meet The Deacons mini-series.


How long have you been part of Redeemer, and how long have you been serving as a deacon?
Christian: I joined Redeemer in 2010, and was commissioned as a deacon in 2013.
What was your understanding of the office before you starting serving in the capacity you are? Has that changed over time? If so, how?
C: Honestly, I didn't really know what a deacon was. I understood that it was some type of leadership role, but that was about it.
It has been a slow process of learning what a deacon is, and I'm still learning. I’ve been shifting from a “doer” mindset to an “equipper” mindset. It's not the same as being a ministry volunteer, though I often do volunteer tasks. I believe that it is a position with the responsibility and privilege to equip volunteers to work as the body of Christ with their Spirit-given gifts to meet the practical needs of the church. It’s about delegating responsibilities to volunteers, and cultivating the gifts that God has given them.
What do you like about being a deacon? Is there anything you find particularly rewarding or challenging?
C: I like that I get to serve the church. It still amazes me that I have a role in Jesus’ church. I think, “Why would God pick someone like me to serve his church?” The answer, I think, is because God wants to show his power, grace, and love through my service. He wants to show that it’s not about me, it’s about him and serving others. It’s humbling to really consider what it is that I’m doing while I’m serving – I am serving the church that Jesus Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, came to live and die for, establish, and accomplish his mission through. And really, that’s what all of us as Christians get to do as we fill the different needs in the church. It’s amazing!
The most challenging part of serving as a deacon, for me, is being a leader. Naturally, I think I’m good at “doing”, but learning to lead and cultivate others has been a difficult, but good process. I have been praying for the gift of leadership, and I have seen God give me opportunities to grow in this area and provide great resources to help me.

What’s the most common question you are asked about being a deacon, and how do you respond?
C: “So, what do you do?”
I usually respond with something like: “I coordinate the Cleaning Crew, which is Redeemer’s custodial ministry, making sure that our church buildings are clean and presentable for our church family and guests. I also help with various other needs that arise, such as filling in as Sunday Coordinator, or helping with the logistics of our Outdoor Work Party event.”