Adoption and Foster Care

At Redeemer we love foster care and adoption. We love that a perfect Father has adopted us. We love that imperfect moms and dads get to adopt. As a church we have seen a number of families adopt or serve as foster families and have more in process. While participating in adoption is an amazing gift God allows us to enjoy it can also be overwhelming and intimidating. For many families they don’t know where to start or how to pay for it, or if they are even ready. To help foster an environment that loves and pursues adoption we have started a fund that provides no-interest loans as well as grants to qualified families. We also have foster care and adoption “experts” ready to talk and help coach you through the process of investigating foster care or adoption to welcoming your son or daughter home for the first time. If you are interested in foster care and adoption below are a few ways to see if this is a call from God for you and your family.

  • Talk with your Gospel Community and ask them to pray and keep talking with you about what God is stirring
  • Send an email to and let us know that you want to connect with one of our resident families that have already gone through this process
  • Read Adopted For Life by Russell Moore
  • Read Reclaiming Adoption by Richard Phillips
  • Get info on our adoption grant by checking out the The Abba Fund

We recognize that foster care and adopting may not be God’s call for every family but we do believe every Christian can participate. If we are going to be the type of church that responds to the Gospel by adopting and fostering we need as many people as possible participating, funding, praying, helping, encouraging, and anything else you can think of. Here are a few practical ways to get involved in adoption without adopting:

  • Pray for more families to adopt.
  • Pray for more children to get families
  • Give to the Redeemer Abba Fund (make sure to select the ABBA Fund from the drop down menu)
  • Get educated about adoption, the process, the challenges, by reading the books recommended above
  • Encourage those that have adopted with words and service. Consider doing things like babysitting so mom and dad get a date night.