Our Online Sunday Service is a way for us to gather together at the same time but in different locations throughout Whatcom county and the globe (hello and welcome to our missionary families!). 

We invite you to share your experiences by using the hashtag: #RedeemerNWFamily on your social media platform of choice. This will help us interact with one another as a family on Facebook and Instagram. If you don’t have or use social media and want to share your images/videos, please email them to dane@redeemernw.org.

Sunday Prayer | Live Online Sermon


  • Sunday Prayer - 9:30 AM

  • Live Online Sermon - 10:00 AM

Note: If you are unable to join us for our live online service at 10AM, we will be posting the recording of the service below

Sing - “Good Good Father“

*Closed captioning (CC) is available


You are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways to us

Verse 3
Oh, it's love so undeniable
I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I can hardly think
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
Into love, love, love

Verse 1
I've heard a thousand stories of what they think you're like
But I've heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you're pleased
And that I'm never alone

You're a good good father
It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you
It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

Verse 2
I've seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
For answers only you provide
'Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word



~Those who trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior receive communion~

Every week we remember and retell the Gospel by receiving communion. The bread represents Jesus’ body given for us. The juice represents the blood He shed for our redemption.

Those that trust in Jesus do not need to come to God in fear. In fact, Hebrews says this: “Let us with confidence draw near to His throne of grace...” “We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus...Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance...” Through faith in Jesus approach with confidence, boldly, honestly to God’s throne of grace.

As you receive communion, consider repeating the words, “Where my sin increases grace abounds all the more. Where my sin increases, gentleness abounds all the more.”


~An opportunity to worship God with our finances~

In response to God giving us Jesus, we give. This is a wonderful and important part of our worship. Take this time as an opportunity to thank God for your daily bread. Take time to connect your giving to what God is doing in and through the church community. Our hearts follow our treasure; may God use your giving to fuel your worship of Jesus.

While we are not publicly gathering, this link will give you three options to give.

Sing – “All Creatures of our God and King“

*Closed captioning (CC) is available


Verse 1
All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou, burning sun with
golden beam
Thou, silver moon with softer gleam
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Verse 2
Thou rushing wind
that art so strong, 
Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along, 
O praise him, alleluia! 
Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, 
Ye lights of evening, find a voice, 
O praise him, O praise him, 
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 

Verse 3
Let all things their Creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father,
praise the Son
And praise the Spirit, Three-in-One
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise, praise the Father,
praise the Son
And praise the Spirit, Three-in-One
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Closing Prayer

~Feel free to use the following prayer or pray however you are led~

(Slightly modified prayer from Scotty Smith based on Psalm 103.1-4)

Psalm 103.1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits

Heavenly Father, King David’s words express the desire of our hearts on this May Sunday. In response to everything you’ve given us, and are to us, we’d love the freedom to worship you with abandon—with our whole being. Here are a few of your hyper-grace-gifts we remember today.

3 who forgives all your sins

Through Jesus’ finished work, you’ve forgiven all our sins—not just the 2% we’re consciously aware of, but the other 98% as well. Though we’ll be more like Jesus one day, we’ll never be more forgiven than we are today…

and heals all your diseases,

Though you don’t heal on our timetable, nonetheless, you’ve secured an eternity of perfect health for us. One Day, every expression of our weakness and brokenness will give way to the fullness of Jesus’ wholeness, beauty, and life. All the ways sin and death have impacted our bodies, emotions, and thinking—all of them will be healed and made new. Groans will give way to glory; no more pains, only praise; no more aches, just “Amens!”

4 who redeems your life from the pit

Not only have you redeemed us from the ultimate “pit” of death and judgment, you also rescue us out of other kinds of pits, Father. Pits we fall into, pits we get pushed into, and pits into which we foolishly jump.

Waterless pits of self-pity, self-preoccupation, and self-righteousness; dark holes of bitterness and resentment; caverns of shame and vain regrets; craters of hopelessness and the dungeon of unbelief. Continue your “pit-rescuing” mission in our lives, Father, and in the lives of those we love.

and crowns you with love and compassion,

Through the gospel, you’ve removed our grave-clothes of death, and now we’re dressed in garments of your grace. Because Jesus wore a crown of thorns, you’ve crowned us with your favor and compassion. You cannot love us more and you’ll never love us less.

So very Amen we pray,

in Jesus’ wonderful and merciful name.


~The word benediction literally means “good (bene) speaking (dictio).” Close your service by speaking a good word to one another~

Where our sin increases, God’s gentleness abounds all the more. Go in and with the gentleness of Jesus.

Cookies & Coffee

~Have a cookie (especially all you little ones!) and engage in fellowship at a distance~

On Sunday we would typically walk over to the Commons after the service for cookies, coffee, and fellowship together. We miss that time!

While we are meeting online and encouraging social distancing to keep our community safe, let’s engage in fellowship from a distance. We encourage you to do a “social hour” with your friends from church by texting or calling them. Let’s stay connected!

Reflection / Sermon Application

~Feel free to do this now or after the service, and/or throughout the week~

Take a few minutes to reflect on the sermon. Consider how you might apply this lesson to your life in practical ways. We encourage you to engage with your family or call/text a friend from Redeemer to discuss the sermon application questions below:

  • What sort of discipline did you experience growing up?

  • What does it mean that Jesus is gentle with the ignorant and the wayward?

  • What is most encouraging to you about this passage?

  • What is the hardest thing for you to believe about this passage?

  • How is the gentleness of Jesus not at odds with the discipline of God?

Have a question or just need to talk with someone?

Email us at info@redeemernw.org or send us an email using the form below. A staff member will contact you shortly!