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Our Online Sunday Service is a way for us to gather together at the same time but in different locations throughout Whatcom county and the globe (hello and welcome to our missionary families!). 

We invite you to share your experiences by using the hashtag: #RedeemerNWFamily on your social media platform of choice. This will help us interact with one another as a family on Facebook and Instagram. If you don’t have or use social media and want to share your images/videos, please email them to

Sunday Prayer | Live Online Sermon


  • Sunday Prayer - 9:30 AM

  • Live Online Sermon - 10:00 AM

Note: If you are unable to join us for our live online service at 10AM, we will be posting the recording of the service below

Sing – “It is Finished“

*Closed captioning (CC) is available


Verse 1
There's no deed that can redeem us
There's no rite, no magic word
Only by the work of Jesus
Can salvation be secured

It is finished! He has done it!
Let your weary heart rejoice
Our redemption is accomplished
Raise a shout with ragged voice

And go bravely into battle
Knowing he has won the war
It is finished, lift your head
And weep no more

Verse 2
There's no sacrifice to offer
There's no penance to complete
Freely drink of living water
Without money come and feast

Let every sinner rejoice
Hear the dying victor's cry
Raise up your voice
Sing it out through earth and sky


The Presence Of God

John 16:5-15

(Recording of Live Sermon will appear below at 11AM on 6/28/2020)


~Those who trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior receive communion~

Every week we remember and retell the Gospel by receiving communion. The bread represents Jesus’ body given for us. The juice represents the blood He shed for our redemption.

Communion: The Holy Spirit works so many amazing things in the hearts of God’s people. He makes real who Jesus is, what Jesus does, and how Jesus feels about us. 

As you receive communion, consider repeating the words, “Thank you Father for the Spirt, for I would never have come to see my need for Jesus without His work.”


~An opportunity to worship God with our finances~

In response to God giving us Jesus, we give. This is a wonderful and important part of our worship. Take this time as an opportunity to thank God for your daily bread. Take time to connect your giving to what God is doing in and through the church community. Our hearts follow our treasure; may God use your giving to fuel your worship of Jesus.

While we are not publicly gathering, this link will give you three options to give.

Sing - “Holy Spirit“

*Closed captioning (CC) is available


There's nothing worth more
That could ever come close
No thing can compare
You're our living hope
Your presence, Lord

I've tasted and seen
Of the sweetest of loves
Where my heart becomes free
And my shame is undone
Your presence, Lord

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
Your presence, Lord

Let us become more aware of Your presence
Let us experience the glory of Your goodness


Closing Prayer

~Feel free to use the following prayer or pray however you are led~

(A slight modified prayer from Scotty Smith)

Heavenly Father, thank you for the multiple ways your Spirit works in our lives.

It was your Spirit who showed us the depth of our need, convinced us that Jesus is a grace-full Savior, and gave us faith to trust him for our salvation. We are grateful forever, Father.

By the Spirit, you sealed us forever as your cherished children. We’ll never be unborn-again, disowned, or orphaned from you. The Spirit is the firstfruits of our final redemption—the guarantee that one Day we’ll be completely like Jesus. Father, may you grow a bumper crop of the Spirit’s fruit in our lives as we long for that Day.

The Spirit is the engagement ring wrapped around our hearts—the sign and security of our marriage to Jesus. Nothing will ever separate us from the love of Jesus. Nothing will keep us from the true and eternal Royal Wedding.

By the Spirit, you constantly declare us to be your beloved children—guiltless and condemnation free. Turn up the volume, Father. The Spirit ceaselessly prays inside of us what we’d pray for ourselves if we knew what the Spirit knows. By the Spirit, you gifted us for service, empowered for mission, and re-fire our first love for Jesus.

On this Sunday, Father, we heed afresh your command to be filled with the Spirit. We gladly and expectantly yield. Come, Holy Spirit, come, and fill us to overflowing—to the praise of our God and for the blessing of our neighbors.

So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ exalted and loving name.


~The word benediction literally means “good (bene) speaking (dictio).” Close your service by speaking a good word to one another~

By the Spirit, God shows off His Son, and reminds us that we are His. May God turn up the volume this week!

Cookies & Coffee

~Have a cookie (especially all you little ones!) and engage in fellowship at a distance~

On Sunday we would typically walk over to the Commons after the service for cookies, coffee, and fellowship together. We miss that time!

While we are meeting online and encouraging social distancing to keep our community safe, let’s engage in fellowship from a distance. We encourage you to do a “social hour” with your friends from church by texting or calling them. Let’s stay connected!

Reflection / Sermon Application

~Feel free to do this now or after the service, and/or throughout the week~

Take a few minutes to reflect on the sermon. Consider how you might apply this lesson to your life in practical ways. We encourage you to engage with your family or call/text a friend from Redeemer to discuss the sermon application questions below:

  • How often do you think about the Holy Spirit?

  • How did you become a Christian? Or, what specifically is keeping you from becoming a Christian?

  • What does it mean that the Holy Spirit guides us into truth? How does that work out practically?

  • What does it feel like when the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus?

Have a question or just need to talk with someone?

Email us at or send us an email using the form below. A staff member will contact you shortly!